Shay is so excited to start school. We decided to start tomorrow, the same day as the local public schools. Unless there are set backs, we should finish up the school year the first week in May. The main curriculum she will be doing this year is called
Across America. It is a 38 week unit and she will learn a state (or two) a week. The curriculum includes all the subjects she will need: math, spelling, reading, science, social studies, critical thinking, music, art, p.e., and character building. She is doing an additional math program called
MathUSee. We are supplementing the science with
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology. She is also going to begin Keyboard and music appreciation. In mid September, she hopefully will be starting hip hop dance. The class is for K and 1st grade, and they are letting her try it out since she doesn't meet the age requirements, but meets the grade requirements.
Our goal is to be start school by 8am and be done by 10am, so the afternoon is free for all her social activities!