On Friday, November 5th, we went to Mount Vernon for Homeschool Day. It was a cooler day, a little windy, and boy was it packed. I heard one worker say there were over 7,000 people there! We got there around 10:30 and waited in line for probably 15 minutes to get in. Shay was awestruck!
After getting a quick pic with a statue of George, Martha, and the Grandkids, we headed out to the Pioneer Farm Site. It was near the water and so it was a little chilly. That didn't stop Shay from having fun!
She churned butter. |
She did a maze. | | | | | |
Played a game of hoops. |
Found out that 4 years cooked! |
Made cornmeal. |
After long uphill climb, we reached George and Martha's Tomb.
Met up with George? |
Checked out his ride. |
Played a game of hoop and a stick. |
Waited in line forever! |
Took a quick tour of the house after waiting in line to wait in line! Sorry, no pics allowed inside the mansion. Did you know that the exterior of the house is wood painted white with sand in the paint to give the illusion of white brick? Me neither.
After all that waiting, Shay needed to run around and check out the view.
Running. |
And running. Might make this girl a runner yet! |
What a view! |
Her favorite part of the day happened around 2pm. We got to meet Martha Washington!
Is she the real deal? Shay thought so. |
Lady Washington sat and kept up her needlepoint while talking with the children and answering questions. Shay wanted to stay there all day, but it was 2:30 and we still hadn't eatten lunch. So off to the Mount Vernon Food Court. They had a deli, bakery, burger and nacho place, and of course Pizza Hut. What did Shay choose?
That's my girl- the veggie lover! | | | |
After lunch, we went to check out the museum (no pics allowed) and then to the educational stuff.
This hologram was creepy. George's face followed wherever you went:
She has her hand on the book like George! |
We were all dragging after the educational experience and was bummed that we missed the hands on kid's room (it closed at 4!) It was 5pm and they were closing, so a trip to the gift shop and the Awesome Christmas Tree display.
Check out the tree! |
At 5:15, we headed back to the car, with a very tired 4 year old saying "I'm not leaving!" All the way to the car she was pleading to come back tomorrow. No sooner had we left the parking lot, she was out like a light! I'm so proud of how well she behaved and that she never complained about the weather, being hungry, waiting in line, and took a 6.5 hour tour of the property.
For those of you who have never been there, check out this map of the property to get an idea of how big it is.
Did she learn a lot? Check out the next post to find out.