Last week, we studied Ohio. Ohio is cool. The things she picked up on the most about Ohio, is that 2 famous Astronauts came from there! As soon as we looked at the map in the front of the Ohio book we checked out from the library, she saw the icon for the
Armstrong Air and Space Museum. "Mom, can we go there?," she asked me as if we were going to jump right in the car at that moment. That's the thing about 4 year olds, instant gratification, right. "Maybe someday, dear," was my reply.
I'm sure she learned a lot of other things, but we watched 2 dvds on Space, and if you ask her about Ohio, I'm sure she will be happy to tell you about the astronauts.
The first dvd we watched,
"Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon" was made for the IMAX about 5 years ago. Too bad she wasn't born to see it then. We don't have an IMAX theater in our living room, but she was pretty awestruck. The special features were pretty cool too. Tom Hanks was involved in the making of it, and I really haven't found much that Tom Hanks has done that I didn't like.
The second dvd,
"In the Shadow of the Moon," was presented by Ron Howard. How can you go wrong with anything Ron Howard is involved with?! It's a documentary with most of the astronauts from the Apollo missions, 40 years later, recalling their days with NASA and the missions, plus real footage of the missions. Just shy of 2 hours, Shay was disappointed and exclaimed "That was a short movie!"
I guess I'm going to have to check out symposiums for her down at the Air and Space Museums!