We've been studying about different kinds of plants and how they grow. A simple experiment we did showed how plants drink water from the ground through tubes, like a straw.
She needed:
food coloring
cup halfway full of water
Ready to get started. |
Cut bottom of stalks off. |
Add food coloring to water. |
Add stalks to water. |
The directions called for her to wait an hour and then check. We checked again in 5 days. And what happened?
Faintly blue after 5 days! |
When pulled apart, there was food coloring in the tubes. |
This one is a little better. |
It was a really easy experiment. Maybe next time we will use red food coloring. I think the blue was too hard to see against the green. Shay's favorite part of the whole experiment was tearing the celery apart. And now we know what is the purpose of those stringy things on celery are for besides getting caught in our teeth.