Monday, October 10, 2011

How Plants drink water- an experiment

We've been studying about different kinds of plants and how they grow. A simple experiment we  did showed how plants drink water from the ground through tubes, like a straw. 

She needed:
food coloring
cup halfway full of water
Ready to get started.
Cut bottom of stalks off.
Add food coloring to water.

Add stalks to water.
The directions called for her to wait an hour and then check. We checked again in 5 days. And what happened?
Faintly blue after 5 days!

When pulled apart, there was food coloring in the tubes.
This one is a little better.

It was a really easy experiment. Maybe next time we will use red food coloring. I think the blue was too hard to see against the green. Shay's favorite part of the whole experiment was tearing the celery apart. And now we know what is the purpose of those stringy things on celery are for besides getting caught in our teeth.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Last Thursday was Shayleigh's first day of her Homeschool Bowling League. I have to brag and say that she comes from a family of awesome bowlers.  Her great grandfather was a professional duck pin bowler in the Washington DC area and most everyone in our family got his awesome bowling genes. I have to be honest and say that I am not one of them. Shayleigh has bowled once before, at her Great Aunt Vicky's wedding, but she was only 18 months, so I don't think that counts. She is quite the pro at Wii bowling though, so she went into the Bowling Alley feeling pretty confident she was going to get a turkey.
Um, these balls are kinda heavy Mom.
Ok, so the Wii controller is a lot lighter than a bowling ball. We did manage to find a 6 pounder, but Shayleigh is 33 pounds wet, so what's that like 1/5 of her weigh? I showed her how to put her fingers in the right holes and how to throw the ball down the correct lane. And...

Approaching the line...
Easy does it!
That's right, she grannied it! I did mention it was SIX pounds, right? Oh, and here's the best part of her bowling...
She bowls and runs!
Here's another great shot of her technique:
She totally rocks!
She did manage to get 9 pins down in one of the frames. The ball was probably one of the slowest balls I've ever seen going down the lane. But I'm happy to report that not once did an employee have to come over and rescue her ball from the middle of the lane.
Hey, did you know that bowling shoes are high heeled?

This is her teammate. I think they rocked a combined score of just over 100. Go team!  
But it's all good- he brought bowling cupcakes- see the pins and the balls?
Another teammate was so encouraging. She's 8 and she knows a lot about bowling.
It was a great first bowling experience. What I loved was watching her bowl and get so excited when any pins fell down. Sometimes, believe it or not, even with the bumpers, she managed to miss all the pins. Shayleigh just said, "That's ok Mom, I'll get them next time!"

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Last weekend, we ventured to Gordonsville, Virginia to go camping. Ok, well we stayed in a log cabin that had bathrooms and a kitchen, but we didn't get the internet or phone service, so that's roughing it, right?
Isn't it beautiful!

First time in a bunk bed!

The week before was in the high 80's, but of course it was in the 60's when we went. Shay was bummed because she wanted to go swimming- they had a nice pool area with a few pools and fountains, but we found other ways to keep busy.
Awesome Playground!
Horseback riding.
Field Day.

Obstacle Course


Family Game Night.
Miniature Golfing
Fun on the farm.
Soap Making.
Even found time for modeling!
Shay had such a great time! We packed as much as we could in the weekend. Shay said even though she had a great time, her favorite thing was the horseback riding. She did look good on that horse. Anyone have any recommendations for stables around here?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Shayleigh becomes a Junior Ranger!

Our first "official" day of school started with a field trip. Uncle Troy is in town, and he is a Civil War buff, along with Pop Pop, so it was about time Shayleigh got to see what hanging with them in their element was all about. It's no secret that she loves Abraham Lincoln, so I knew she would love visiting Civil War battlefields. We headed up north about 20 miles to the Monocacy National Battlefield. I don't remember if I've ever been there, but it was nice. Shayleigh was hoping to see some dead soldiers or something, I don't really know what goes on in her mind, but I'm happy to report we didn't see any.

First stop was to the visitors center. Outside, there was a "canyon," as Shayleigh called it. She's so funny. I took a picture of her with it and she was afraid to stand right in front of it because "Canyons are deadly!"
Can you see the worry in her face?

Inside there were some displays about Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, John Wilkes Booth, and some other important people during the Civil War. She's only 5, so she doesn't know EVERYTHING about the Civil War yet, but she's learning.
Taking it all in.
We stopped by the desk and talked with a volunteer who  told us about the Junior Ranger Program they have with the National Parks. Well, of course Shayleigh wanted to be a Junior Ranger. So he gave her a booklet full of 12 different activities to fill out throughout her visit at the Park. She only needed to complete 4 because of her age.

So with booklet in hand, we headed up to the museum on the second floor. It was a small museum, but packed a lot of information in the space. As soon as we hit the first display, Shayleigh was off to work!
Here she was filling out which States were part of the Confederacy and which were still  in the Union in 1864.

One of the coolest things in the museum was this interactive map that showed where each Infantry was, the route they took, and where they met up on the fields. It was narrated and lit up at the appropriate time. Very cool!
It was lit up when I snapped the picture!

So engrossed.
After we looked at EVERYTHING, and completed her four activities, we headed downstairs to have the volunteer "check her answers."
So sure she got them right!
Well, she passed, and we even had a discussion on whether or not West Virginia counted as a state then or not (I think she proved her case).  Next, was the swearing in ceremony. I kid you not, this is serious business!
Listening intently.

Repeating back the pledge as she's sworn in.

Check out Abe in the lower right corner.

Certified Junior Ranger!

We hopped in the car and took a short drive over to the Worthington Farm. As a 6 year old boy, Glenn Worthington witnessed the Battle take place on his property while peering through the cellar windows. As an adult, Judge Glenn Worthington was instrumental in the development of Monacacy National Battlefield getting it's National Park status.

The Worthington House
View through the windows.

We headed off to the Ford Loop trail, a 1.6 mile trail through the farm. Had we brought a more detailed map, we would have known what some of the markers were. However, it was nice to walk and know that we were walking where 150 years ago, both Union and Confederate soldiers were marching and strategizing.
Plaque in the field.

Off towards the river.

Soldiers walked here, Mom!
Did I mention besides the Hurricane, it also rained for a week? Uncle Troy had to carry her through mud.

Anyone know what these are?

I think she's leading.

The soldiers crossed right here!

I have no idea what they were discussing.
Did I mention the trail was 1.6 miles! Pop Pop did a great job keeping up. Shayleigh thought that after this, we should hit the next battlefield. The kid never stops!
She is standing right where the soldiers were fighting.

Crazy to think that 150 years ago, Blue and Gray were battling right here.

Our first trip was a success! She's already planning the next trip. I think Gettysburg might be in our near future. Did you hear that Uncle Troy?